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What Ayurveda can do for you

"Samadosha Samagnischa Samadhathu Malakriyaaha.
Prasannatmendriya Manaaha Swastha Ithyabhi Dheeyathe"


Health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being; and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The environment in which we live and the way we live from day-to-day has a great effect on our well-being. Each individual has a specific constitution (also called types of prakruti namely vata, pitta, and kapha) which are determined at the time of conception and remain unchanged during the course of one's life. Homeostatis of this prakruti protects health.

The body's ability to regulate its internal balance is weakened if factors like our working environment, the way we spend our leisure time, the food we take, and the regimen we follow do not agree with/or upset our prakruti/constitution


Treatment Principles followed at AYURCHETANA

Healing proccess is inherent in each individual and this can be supplemented by various therapies.  Amongst these therapies Ayurveda is the oldest and is highly individualized. It is gaining popularity all over the world since it generally consists of prescribing dietary regimens, herbs, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations contradicting the aggravated doshas that participate in a disease to restore one's prakruti.
Re-establishment of one's prakruti at AYURCHETANA is achieved by following certain fundamental ayurvedic principles. Treatment includes:

1. SAMSHODHANA - Purificatory measures. These measures are intended at cleansing the channels in the body of toxins, waste products, and aggravated doshas.

2. SAMSHAMANA - Palliative measures. These measures are aimed at establishing equilibrium of doshas and dhatus by rational and objectively planned therapy utilizing specific medicines.

3. AAHARA - Dietics. B
alanced diet is a key concept of ayurveda for promoting good health. Ayurveda asserts that the food recommended for people are individualized.  The recommended diet is based on factors like age, gender, prakruti, and digestive capacity (agni bala)

4. AACHARA -  Health promoting conduct, supplementary procedures, and supportive regimens. Ayurveda prescribes certain rules for maintaining a healthy state of mind. They are called ethical regimens or 'sadhvrittha'.  These regimens are the principles of right conduct that are applicable to all people, at all times, and at all places.  Practicing these regimens gives people good health and peace of mind. 



Please click on the above link to view the list of ailments treated at AYURCHETANA

Consultation: Monday-Saturday 9.30 AM-1.30 PM and
5.30 PM-7.30 PM
Sunday consultation by appointment only

Ayurvedic Medicines
AYURCHETANA is closely associated with UNITED AGENCIES, Sultanpet for the supply of authentic, classical ayurvedic preparations and proprietary medicines.
For details about United Agencies please click on the link below


#268, Opp. Anjaneya Temple
4th Main, Mahalakshmi Layout
Bangalore 560 086, Karnataka, INDIA
Phone: 91 80 22879716